campaniàre , vrb Definition fàere su campianarzu, su reberde, s'abbetiosu, tènnere campiania Synonyms e antonyms arrogantare Translations French témoigner de l'arrogance English to be arrogant Spanish ser arrogante Italian èsser arrogante German arrogant sein.

campianàgliu , agt: campianarzu Definition chi tenet una manera de fàere o de foedhare a prepoténtzia, credendhosi unu pagu tropu o pigandho a pagu cunsideru s'àteru Synonyms e antonyms aperradu, barrosu, coteu, redortu, rochellosu, testarrudu Sentences candho arrèjonas de pulítiga ses campianarzu meda, tue! Scientific Terminology ntl Etymon srd. Translations French arrogant English arrogant person Spanish arrogante Italian arrogante German arroganter Mensch.

cotilósu , agt Definition nau de ccn., chi est tostau, malu a cumbínchere Synonyms e antonyms campianàgliu, testarrudu Scientific Terminology ntl Etymon srd. Translations French arrogant, têtu English arrogant, obstinate Spanish arrogante, testarudo Italian arrogante, cocciuto German arrogant, dickköpfig.

rochellósu , agt, nm Definition chi o chie acostumat a èssere a rochella Synonyms e antonyms aperradu, barrosu, campianàgliu, coteu, cotilosu, redortu, testarrudu Scientific Terminology ntl Translations French arrogant English arrogant Spanish arrogante Italian arrogante German arrogant.

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