copedhàre , vrb: corpedhare Definition giare cropos, prus che àteru piticos, lestros aifatu de pare, istare giaendho cropos Synonyms e antonyms colpare, fèrrere, tochedhare Sentences in iscola a segare, a corpedhare, a pulire, a tínghere, e gai, mancu a zogu, mancu brullendhe faghet ◊ ite li ses corpedhendhe, a martedhu, a cussa cosa? ◊ s'intendhet su mastru de linna corpedhendhe, paret puntzitendhe carchi cosa 2. unu túnciu paret essendhe dai sos muros e copedhendhe a balcones e giannas Etymon srd. Translations French battre, taper plusieurs fois English to beat over and over Spanish golpear muchas veces Italian bàttere ripetutaménte German wiederholt schlagen.

dubbài, dubbàre , vrb Definition tocare sa genna pedindho de intrare Synonyms e antonyms addobbai, tochedhare, tzocare Sentences apu dubbau a milla portas ◊ dubbant a tot'is portas ◊ dubbai ca s'at a aberri! Translations French frapper, taper English to knock Spanish tocar Italian bussare German klopfen, anklopfen.

tochedhàre , vrb: tzochedhai Definition fàere tzàcurru acropandho, tocandho a iscudidura: si narat meda de su coro candho trebballat cun isfortzu e lestresa, e fintzes de unu dolore candho si sentit coment'e a puntas Synonyms e antonyms ammartedhai / dubbussare, dumbulare, picare 2, sacai, tochitae, trochedhare, tzacarrai, tzocai Sentences s'intendhet unu tochedhendhe a bistrale, seghendhe linna 2. mi est tochedhendhe custu pódhighe segadu: signale chi mi devet martzire Etymon srd. Translations French battre, taper English to hammer, to throb Spanish latir Italian bàttere, pulsare German schlagen.

tzochedhài, tzochedhàre , vrb: tochedhare* Definition fàere tzàcurru iscudendho, tocandho a atripadura, tocandho a cropu forte mescamente in is gennas pedindho de intrare Synonyms e antonyms dubbussare, dumbulare, sacai, tochitae, trochedhare, tzacarrai, tzocai Sentences pro su candhelarju depies tochedhare in sos portales ◊ fit peri sas giannas, tzochedhendhe ◊ ite cres, chi no sia andhadu deo puru tzochedhendhe in sas giannas anzenas?! 2. babbu tzochedhat cun sa mazadorza iscutinendhe olia Translations French frapper, taper English to knock Spanish llamar, tocar Italian bussare German klopfen.

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